Exceptional Service and Fair Pricing for everyone!

Reliable service and support: speak with a representative every time you call without waiting on hold,
prompt responses for service calls, scheduled appointment times.

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More Great Things are Coming from Gosfield

Introducing Gosfield1 Community Channel. Today, Gosfield is thrilled to announce a sneak preview of Gosfield1 Community Channel, an exciting platform designed to exclusively showcase the vibrant local community. This is an incredibly exciting milestone for Gosfield.

Gosfield1 Community Channel goal is to cater to various interests and provide a platform that showcases the richness of our local community. From local events and community organizations to life's significant moments such as births, passings, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations, we aim to
capture the entire spectrum of life.

But that's not all - Gosfield1 Community Channel will also shine a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of local retailers, merchants, musicians, artists, professional services, home and building industries, the automotive sector, and the real estate market. We are committed to featuring the best of the best, whether it's boutique stores, gourmet food shops, restaurants, specialized service providers, cultural and travel destinations, or honouring exceptional individuals.

As a one-stop destination, Gosfield1 Community Channel goes beyond the ordinary. In addition to captivating content, viewers can stay informed about local weather updates, catch up on the latest news, and keep an eye on commodity prices. It's a dynamic and vibrant marketplace right at your fingertips.
Additionally, we are thrilled to welcome local musicians to share their captivating melodies and talents through pre-recorded images and music on our channel. From solo artists to bands, various genres to diverse musical styles, Gosfield1 Community Channel is the perfect stage to captivate audiences with the rich musical tapestry of our local talent.

We're inviting businesses to join us in the endeavor of showcasing their unique products and services on the Gosfield1 Community Channel. This is an exceptional opportunity to connect with viewers who are not only enthusiastic but actively seeking to support local enterprises. By featuring your offerings on our channel, you can tap into a vibrant audience that is eager to explore and engage with the diverse range of products and services our community has to offer. Please note the showcased advertisements serve as illustrations of the potential appearance your own ads could have.

Simply tune your television to Channel 1 and immerse yourself in all the captivating action. 

Let us know what you think by giving us comments on Facebook and give us your ideas!


Unlimited usage, no speed throttling


Begin with 'Starter' and have the freedom to add or remove packages as needed.


Crisp and clear sound with toll free calling in Windsor/Essex County. Available features you've always had and new ones you didn't know you needed.

Proudly based in Cottam, Ontario

Now expanding into Woodslee, Belle River & Comber, Ontario

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Technology Advancements

What we are doing to keep up with an ever evolving world.

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We do love our service with Gosfield and can't say enough about how awesome the staff, technicians and anyone we have worked with are. We are so pleased to be a part of this progressive co-operative!
E. Belanger
Best thing I did was cancel Bell and go with Gosfied. Netflix never buffers anymore, can stream a show/movie while cell phones and printer are hooked as well. The price is good too.
Danielle L.
Great service and price, for internet, phone and tv.
Sharon F.
Best customer service!! Whenever there is a problem they try to resolve it right away.
Stephanie B.
Great service today from Dan (and Brian) installing our fibre. Our old farm house didn’t stump Dan who discovered the easiest way to get us all hooked up. All while answering my surely annoying barrage of questions. Thanks fellas!!
Kimberly D.
Awesome service, never any problems
Kelly F.


Supporting those that support us

We are a proud supporter of youth programs, community based events and many post secondary students have benefited from our bursary program.

Our Community